YouTube – Rogan argues with Russel about gender and race

I agree much more so with Rogan, but Russel is right about a few things, one being that Jordan Peterson does not understand post-modernism and its contribution to contemporary thought, art, and literature; it’s a liberation from essentialism. This in spite of most post-modern philosophy being degenerate word-salid, and its overstepping into pseudo-science being a scourge upon academia.

Second, that SJWs are often reinforcing racist categories. IMO, they have trapped themselves in a dilemma where they now either categorize race as being performanitive, or double-down on biological-cultural determinism, as they are.

Thirdly, but partially, that in spite of our biological, and IMO born gender, the expression of how a person identifies with their gender is something fluid. I myself believe firmly that gender and gender expression are two distinctly different things.

On Rogan’s side, in spite of his overtly bi-phobic comment about bisexual men being, “freaks”, is correct that bisexual men, gay men, and even transgender women, are biological men. (transgender women being born with a gender mismatching their biological sex, whose gender, not their sex should determine their *GENDER* pronoun.).

Secondly, that gender is a spectrum, defined mostly by a person’s relationship to the median, and this relationship is irrelevant to how a person should be treated or respected by society. And by implication, no one should give a fuck about how someone expresses their gender identity.

Rogan refuses to accept the anti-scientific notion that biological sex is not a well defined category, as SJW are attempting to gaslight us with.

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