Teaching Motivation to Teenage Boys


By Jennifer Cropper

I have a serious question. I was teaching for a while and I notice the teen boys just seem to generally have no drive- and I dont mean just academically. I mean so many of them dont want to work. I also see so many of them, friends sons that are grown, that dont even want to do the minimum of picking up after themselves washing their clothes, calling to make a Dr apt. Seems many if them still need mommy to do this or try to find a girl friend that will. I think a lot of parents are ready to hit the wall with this crap!

I grew up in the 70s and my generation really was nothing like this. Although, a lot of the guys were not too neat, they were mostly very hard working- starting in high school. And I did not know too many that needed their mommy to schedule their hair cut or dr apts? I am at a loss. Is it video games, depression, parents doing too much?

I should note- in the 70s we were generally expected to move out pretty soon after high school if we werent in college. And most of us moved out even if we were going to school locally and lived with lots of other people to avoid loans. I know housing was cheaper then , I dont see an issue w kids staying home longer. But not when they are ungrateful and behave like small children. Some girls are guilty too, but at least where I am, its more a problem with the boys. What is going on?

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