Zen study

Here are some Zen resources

An author named Brad Warner has published books entitled “Don’t be a Jerk: And Other Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master” and “It Came from Beyond Zen!: More Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master.

Brad Warner’s web site is Hardcore Zen

This post may be updated in the future.

PoMo Trend Calling Humans as “Bodies”


By Richard Culp Robinson

One thing that I really dislike about the Postmodernists or the Left, or WHOEVER started this trend, is referring to human beings as “bodies.” A good friend of mine who is a progressive Democrat in California explained it to me that it’s a “communalist” way of framing the problem of police brutality or oppression rather than an individualist way of looking at it.

I don’t advocate shutting down people who use this vocabulary but I disagree fundamentally on this one. “Bodies” is a cold, rationalist word for describing human beings with souls (or if you want, minds) with aspirations, stories, and dreams. It was when I expressed this and shared how I disliked the materialist outlook that using that word entails that my friend responded with the collectivist argument. He didn’t use the word collectivist.

Do you guys think there is any reasonable justification for using this term to refer to human beings?

JBP advice for young women


By Paulina Brodowska

Hi. It might be an inaproprate place to ask such question but I didn’t find any JP group which could be appealing to me.
So, my question is, what advice for living (any category) would you give to a woman in her 20s basing on what JP is advicing and from your personal perspective? I’ve heard JP talking about depression in women assiociated with career pressure; as well as some “love”/”relatonship” related speeches.

On Marriage


By Benjamin Heneberry

Jordan Peterson’s recent tweet about marriage, and the controversy surrounding his tweet, got me thinking. How many people in this group are single, and want to get married, and why? And specifically, how many Liberals on here are looking to get married? It seems that marriage is thought of as being more traditional and therefore more attractive to conservatives, so I was just wondering. For myself, I’m a liberal turning 40 next year and I definitely was hoping I could have been married by now.

Teaching Motivation to Teenage Boys


By Jennifer Cropper

I have a serious question. I was teaching for a while and I notice the teen boys just seem to generally have no drive- and I dont mean just academically. I mean so many of them dont want to work. I also see so many of them, friends sons that are grown, that dont even want to do the minimum of picking up after themselves washing their clothes, calling to make a Dr apt. Seems many if them still need mommy to do this or try to find a girl friend that will. I think a lot of parents are ready to hit the wall with this crap!

I grew up in the 70s and my generation really was nothing like this. Although, a lot of the guys were not too neat, they were mostly very hard working- starting in high school. And I did not know too many that needed their mommy to schedule their hair cut or dr apts? I am at a loss. Is it video games, depression, parents doing too much?

I should note- in the 70s we were generally expected to move out pretty soon after high school if we werent in college. And most of us moved out even if we were going to school locally and lived with lots of other people to avoid loans. I know housing was cheaper then , I dont see an issue w kids staying home longer. But not when they are ungrateful and behave like small children. Some girls are guilty too, but at least where I am, its more a problem with the boys. What is going on?

Toxic relationships in family


By Paulina Brodowska

Has anyone of you been in toxic (verbally and mentally abusing /eventually physically too) relationships perhaps family? How did you distant yourself from them? Or if you completely cut them off, how did you keep your self-esteem/confidence when words/actions you’ve heard/experienced are coming?

Conversation max-length idea


By Carl White

Maybe we should create a group rule. When a conversatoin has gone on longer htan seems useful, or the conversatoin turned ugly, or the original post was just kind of stupid to beginwith… instead of cammanding eachother to “clean your room” or getting into protracted angry debates, we should just start posting our own personal goals/flaws and what we think we might do about them. Demonstrate us cleaning our own rooms, so to speak… No real need for conversatoin around this, if you like the idea, strat doing it. Maybe it will catch on.

Deaf Singer gets threats

I think that what I been feeling has finally become known to me. Maybe this I what I was probably going to get at when I had some criticizes of Jordan Peterson. The feeling hit home when I read an article about the deaf community who are giving a deaf woman death threats because she decided to sing. They were made at the woman because she decided to sing on national television. They said that she promoting “oralism” or a hearing activity. Thinking about how deaf people created a deaf culture and wanted to exclude and be excluded from hearing society. Leaving Postmordernism and sjws aside, what about groups that want to reclusive or apart from society in a way? When I look at that way, I can understand racial nationalism or collectivism. I mean their is something comforting about walking with people who are similar to you. Maybe these groups want to be complete in these selves and not rely on other groups that are different from them. A personal example would be that the people I been closeness to have the same sexual preference or personality quirks as myself.
Can you help expand this idea further?