PoMo Trend Calling Humans as “Bodies”


By Richard Culp Robinson

One thing that I really dislike about the Postmodernists or the Left, or WHOEVER started this trend, is referring to human beings as “bodies.” A good friend of mine who is a progressive Democrat in California explained it to me that it’s a “communalist” way of framing the problem of police brutality or oppression rather than an individualist way of looking at it.

I don’t advocate shutting down people who use this vocabulary but I disagree fundamentally on this one. “Bodies” is a cold, rationalist word for describing human beings with souls (or if you want, minds) with aspirations, stories, and dreams. It was when I expressed this and shared how I disliked the materialist outlook that using that word entails that my friend responded with the collectivist argument. He didn’t use the word collectivist.

Do you guys think there is any reasonable justification for using this term to refer to human beings?

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