Deaf Singer gets threats…/deaf-singer-gets-death-threats-…/
I think that what I been feeling has finally become known to me. Maybe this I what I was probably going to get at when I had some criticizes of Jordan Peterson. The feeling hit home when I read an article about the deaf community who are giving a deaf woman death threats because she decided to sing. They were made at the woman because she decided to sing on national television. They said that she promoting “oralism” or a hearing activity. Thinking about how deaf people created a deaf culture and wanted to exclude and be excluded from hearing society. Leaving Postmordernism and sjws aside, what about groups that want to reclusive or apart from society in a way? When I look at that way, I can understand racial nationalism or collectivism. I mean their is something comforting about walking with people who are similar to you. Maybe these groups want to be complete in these selves and not rely on other groups that are different from them. A personal example would be that the people I been closeness to have the same sexual preference or personality quirks as myself.
Can you help expand this idea further?

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