Christianity, Christ Consciousness as a goal within Collective Unconscious

What do you think about this one:
It’s about the idea that our collective unconscious is shaped deeply by our old culture.

in Christianity, Christ Consciousness is the ultimate goal (and I guess it’s a good one, even (or even more so) for people who dislike the christian church).
And since our western culture today is still deeply routed in christianity, we’ll have to play this game to the end.
Only then we will be able to transcend christian dogma.


JBP’s ideas about Morality considering Seinfeld TV show

I like the JBP’s ideas about morality, search for meaning, and so on. But what about Seinfeld, what do you think about it? They have nothing to learn, totally amoral characters, meaningless, post-modern, etc. And I love this show – incredibly funny, brilliant, etc

I am trying to keep this “lifestyle” – serching for meaning, self knowledge and all – and avoiding just ironic stuffs, without essence. But why is Seinfeld so good?

Peter Hitchens – Yes, it is about truth and freedom

“In Orwell’s much cruder world, such things were normally obtained by imprisonment, torture and threats of death. Some more backward states still use these methods, presumably because they are as stupid as they are malign. Do they really need to?

In our marshmallow totalitarianism, the threat is usually much softer – the dissenter’s job and standing are threatened, and if he does not give in, his livelihood and his reputation are taken away. Instead of the torture machine and Room 101 in the Ministry of Love, the Twitter Mob, howling with execration, incessant and relentless, frightens most bodies into sacrificing the necessary victim. It seems to work. The chosen individual suffers, but everyone else soon gets used to it.”